Grand River Edges Trail, Fulton To Wealthy

Construction Start: Spring/Summer 2025
Completion Goal: 2026
The overall vision for this trail segment is to build a new accessible riverfront trail between Fulton St and Wealthy St that enhances public access to the river, supports improved flood protection management, and adds new lighting, seating and native trees and plants. This segment will close a major gap in the regional nonmotorized trail system by linking Downtown Grand Rapids to the Oxford Trail, Millennium Park and the Grand River Greenway-building effort in Ottawa County.
Phase 1 (2025)
- Adjacent to Acrisure Amphitheater, from US-131 to the railroad.
Future Phases (TBD)
- Fulton St. to US-131, including US-131 underpass
- Railroad to Wealthy St.
EST. Project Budget:
$17 million
Funding Sources:
American Rescue Plan Act (DGRI and Michigan Department of Natural Resources)
Project Partners:
Lead: City of Grand Rapids
Design: VIRIDIS Design Group, Progressive AE
Contractor: TBD
Partners: Downtown Grand Rapids Inc. (DGRI), Kent County, Grand Action 2.0, City-County Convention Arena Authority, private property owners
Upcoming Projects
Project Start: Summer 2024
Completion Goal: Spring 2025