Grand River Equity Framework

As the greater Grand Rapids community embarks on a decade of investment in the Grand River channel and its edges, it is essential that those investments benefit all Grand Rapidians equitably.

So what does it mean to build a River For All? Community partners in 2022 organized and led an engagement project to hear community voice and draft the Grand River Corridor Equity Framework.

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Purpose of the Framework

The Grand River Corridor Equity Framework is a guiding document that aims to establish a common local understanding of equity within the context of Grand River corridor revitalization efforts.

The Framework includes goals, strategies, actions and accountability metrics and is meant to be used by a wide range of community actors, including residents, policymakers, government, philanthropy and businesses.

Equitable Economic Development
  • Create quality jobs and career pathways through river programs and policies
  • Support the sustainability and expansion of small, local, and BIPOC businesses
  • Leverage river-related policy to catalyze community economic development and stabilize neighborhoods
An Accessible River
  • Improve and expand equitable connections to the river
  • Create vibrant and open public spaces
An Inviting, Inclusive River
  • Provide free and low-cost, culturally-relevant programming
  • Create and sustain a safe, welcoming river
A Healthy River and Community
  • Continue to monitor water quality, restore habitat health, and incorporate green stormwater infrastructure
  • Work with communities to continue advancing environmental justice
Engaged, Supported Youth
  • Create opportunities for youth to explore and play
  • Create opportunities for youth to learn and work
  • Foster youth agency and leadership
Implementation and Accountability
  • Invest in a dedicated nonprofit for the River Project
  • Build broad endorsements for the River Equity Framework
  • Build social infrastructure to support the river ecosystem, including an ongoing feedback loop, transparency, and accountability mechanisms

Endorsing the Framework

Revitalizing and programming the Grand River Corridor is not the responsibility of any one organization. The work involves a multitude of projects led by different agencies, property owners and implementation strategies. Translating the Equity Framework into action depends on a decentralized implementation model.

Broad community buy-in and collaboration across every sector is essential to implement our community’s vision for a more beautiful, accessible and active Grand River corridor.

Endorsement creates a broad network of partners and individuals who pledge to support the implementation of the Equity Framework in a variety of ways.

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If your organization would like to host a presentation of the Equity Framework, or consider endorsing the document, please contact Greenway Program Manager Catherine Zietse at

Stakeholder Advisory Board

Sincere gratitude to the following community members of the project Stakeholder Advisory Board that led the development of the Grand River Corridor Equity Framework and unanimously endorsed the document:

Angélica Velazquez
Attah Obande
Elaine Isley
eMily Alemán-McAlpine
Eric Haslinger
Jason Quigno
Jessica Ledesma
Julieta Tablante-Blanco
Julio Cano
Keli Christopher
Lynée Wells
Stacy Stout
Synia Gant-Jordan
Teresa Branson
Tiawanna Ezell